This webinar is organised by the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI). It focuses on the integration and alignment of circular economy plans and policies with climate strategies, specifically in the context of adaptation and mitigation.

Its main objective is to identify how to effectively promote synergies between these in all levels of implementation (local and regional). By exploring and examining how to effectively connect these areas, cities and regions will be able to tackle challenges encountered in the process, learn how to better work with industries and citizens to find solutions and build a roadmap to pursue the integration of circular economy into climate action plans (CAPs).

The webinar features actionable insights from CCRI cities and regions, such as Helsinki and Castilla y León (TBD), non-CCRI cities (Rennes Metropole), CCRI Projects and Associated Partners (Ellen MacArthur Foundation and ICLEI) that have already delved into the practical implementation of synergies between climate strategies and circular economy policies.

More information and registration: