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SYMBIOPTIMA – Standardization Framework contribution to support circular economy

This report clarifies which aspects are relevant for the promotion of standardization to support circular symbiosis. In particular, this report deals with the following aspects:

  • The purposes of the activity for standardization in relation to the objectives of the Symbioptima project.
  • The change in the European legislative framework up to 2030 and perspective changes in the process industry.
  • An analysis of existing standards to support these objectives. A review on current sectorial ad crosssectorial standard is performed in order to deepen the following aspects: complementarities for existing standards which are linked to the process industry and sustainability, key aspects to be standardized in order to enforce secondary streams market, measurement methods to enable the framework.
  • An analysis and identification of the gaps for standardization with specific reference to the idea of the Symbioptima project rationale.
  • It is therefore presented, in the main features due to confidentiality reasons, the proposed guidelines and the innovative aspects with respect to existing regulations. Technical specification are clarified by the involvement of experts working on standardization from the project consortium, including proper interaction with standardisation bodies.
  • Finally, the process of developing the guidelines is illustrated with specific reference to the steps in progress.

Agro2Circular – Territorial Circular System Solution for the Upcycling of Residues from the Agrifood Sector Pathways for action 2.0: R&I policy for inclusive food system

This report provides an update on the European Commission’s Food 2030 initiative and is meant to guide future research and innovation policy reflections related to Horizon Europe, the farm-to-fork strategy, the European Green Deal and beyond. The report sets out 11 pathways for action where research and innovation can concretely deliver co-benefits related to nutrition, climate, circularity and communities, at multiple levels: from local to international. It also underlines that a systemic interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach to research and innovation is crucial for success and improved impact. Transformations are not only technical and academic; they also encompass social, legal, economic, financial, ethical and philosophical dimensions, which need to be fully embedded in future R&I policy and programmes.