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Check out these projects
SPIRE-SAIS – SPIRE-SAIS Prototype of the Blueprint New Skills Agenda Energy Intensive Industries
The SPIRE-SAIS alliance addressed possible skills shortages in the Energy Intensive Industries while providing EU citizens with the necessary skill sets for future job profiles. The project addressed updating of the curricula, qualifications, knowledge and skills that are required to support essential cross-sectoral collaboration and industrial symbiosis activities. This description of the SPIRE-SAIS Blueprint Prototype is based on the project results concerning technological developments, industry skills requirements, Vocational Education and Training System (VET) support, and first outlines of a training framework (incl. upskilling schemes and training offers) as well as recruitment and image strategies. Summarising the results from the perspective of a comprehensive and interrelated European Skills Strategy and Alliance to support and improve industrial symbiosis and energy efficiency by proactive skills adjustment, we will integrate the outcomes so far in a common picture (Prototype).
Erasmus+ INSIGHT
The Erasmus+ INSIGHT project defined the professional profile of an “industrial symbiosis facilitator” and developed a training curriculum. The industrial symbiosis facilitator is able to address different tasks, such as conducting an analysis in its area of influence, defining and promoting possible synergies between companies in multiple sectors, and capitalizing on the benefits of the circular economy.
The course is composed of 5 Training Modules, and 18 Training Units, with a duration of 150 hours.
- Module I: Industrial symbiosis theory, concepts, and context.
- Module II: Resource management.
- Module III: Industrial symbiosis management.
- Module IV: Soft skills of industrial symbiosis.
- Module V: Industrial symbiosis case studies.